The Cornerstone Articles

This blog started in June, 2020, presenting many topics related to Covid: exploring the scientific basis of germ theory; the history of AIDS; the implications of the Stanley Milgram experiment about conformity to scientific authority; research proving the flu is not contagious; questioning whether vaccines should get the credit for elimination of many diseases, etc.

Here, I am sharing the “cornerstone” articles. These articles are recommended for first-time readers:

  1. The Anatomy of a Scamdemic

    This article looks back at the statements of some of the most prominent public health officials and at science journals and CDC documents – it shows the truth that is hidden behind the propaganda.

  2. The Top 10 Reasons Not to Believe the Official Covid Story

    This comprehensive article looks at a panoply of reasons not to believe the Covid story: case number and death count shenanigans, profit motive, the vaccine endgame, censorship and the numerous doctors putting their reputations on the line by dissenting against the mainstream narrative.

  3. Covid19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

    The heart of the scandal is the PCR “test” that is used to identify “cases” of Covid-19. the Nobel laureate inventor of the PCR technology said it should not be used as a diagnostic tool. It does not test for viruses. PCR looks for sequences of DNA that are assumed to be related to a particular virus. That supposed relationship can never be proved because the virus has not been isolated (and there is not other “proof” of the virus beside PCR).

  4. German Court: “No Proof That Measles Virus Exists”

    If you were a scientist – a virologist – and you were absolutely certain that the measles virus had never been proven to exist how would you get that message out to the world? One scientist offered an award to anyone who could prove that the measles virus does exist. The case went to the German high court.

  5. Doctors Around the World Issue Dire Warning

    Many doctors around the world are bravely stating their opinion that the “pandemic” is a hoax, the lockdown was never necessary and the vaccine may be dangerous as well as unnecessary.

  6. The AIDS and Covid-19 Connections

    The parallels between the two narratives, that HIV causes AIDS and that Sars-Cov2 causes Covid, run deep. Both narratives rely upon the the PCR test to make their case though the test only looks for indirect evidence of a virus and could instead be finding genetic material from other sources. Both narratives ignore the many possible causes of the disease and instead attribute all disease to a single cause. Both narratives ignore simple, inexpensive solutions in favor of complicated and expensive treatments.

  7. The Smoking Gun Evidence That Challenges the Covid Narrative

    Official documents from the CDC and FDA tell a story much different from the official narrative.

These articles above present the case that the Covid narrative is much like a magician’s sleight of hand. The magician gets your full attention to a single point of focus while he manipulates reality just outside your field of vision. In much the same way the Covid propagandists get your attention with fear and they count on you not to use your powers of reasoning. Don’t let that happen.

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