The Comorbidity Ploy

According to the CDC website only six percent of the Covid-19 deaths are people who had no other heath issues. In med-speak: only six percent had no comorbidities. This is completely consistent with the fact that the preponderance of cases and deaths are of old people – in particular those already dealing with serious illness …

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Let Freedom Ring

Rise, like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you: Ye are many—they are few! – the last stanza of The Masque of Anarchy, by Percy Shelley. People are protesting around the world. They have figured out that the official Covid narrative is …

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Sanitation, Nutrition vs. Vaccines

It is a basic tenet of modern medicine that vaccines get the credit for the elimination of many infectious diseases in the 20th century. However, though these diseases have been nearly eliminated, the case that vaccines should be given the credit is very questionable. Here is a graph taken from the book Dissolving Illusions and …

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What Would Stanley Milgram Think?

The Stanley Milgram experiment remains one of the most important social science experiments ever. The experiment revealed that an experimental subject would follow orders from a man in a white lab coat, against his own moral judgment, even though following the orders could have injured or killed someone. Milgram designed a scenario made to look …

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UnScientific American

The July 2020 issue of Scientific American magazine has a cover story “Inside The Coronavirus.” The image on the cover shows the coronavirus with spikes sticking out from a circular cross-section that appears to have DNA-like structures in it. It’s a colorful and compelling image. There is only one problem: it’s not an electron micrograph …

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Covid Counting Shenanigans

The PCR test results are basically meaningless. For example, there is no proof that the RNA sequences that the tests look for are related to the coronavirus. Also, there is no other way to prove the existence of the coronavirus besides the PCR test itself, so there is no way to prove that the PCR …

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Monk, the Germophobe Detective

Once we felt confident that our immune systems were enough to keep us healthy. Today we have been programmed to think that our immune system is not enough.