Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

“There are three kinds of lies – lies, damned lies and statistics.”
– Mark Twain

“Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few survive.” – George Bernard Shaw

“In ancient times they had no statistics so they had to fall back on lies.” – Stephen Leacock

“Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.”
– Aaron Levenstein

With the US death toll surpassing 200,000 mainstream news outlets felt compelled to apply their massive brainpower into interpreting some statistics for the benefit of their readers.

“The U.S has about 4% of the world’s population, but has the largest share of the world’s 930,000 COVID-19 deaths — 21%. The nation with the second highest death toll is Brazil with over 133,000 dead, followed by India with more than 82,000 dead.”

But the CDC admits that only 6% of Covid deaths are Covid-only deaths. So out of the official 200,000 deaths only 12,000 are Covid-only deaths. That is about 1.2 % of the global deaths, not the 21% that reports.

“The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 200,000 on Tuesday — reaching what was once the upper limit of some estimates for the pandemic’s impact on Americans. Some experts now warn that the toll could nearly double again by the end of 2020.” –

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson began the whole pandemic frenzy with his prediction of as many as 2.2 million people dying in the USA and as many as half-a-million dying in the UK. No advanced degrees are required to see that 200,000 is less than a tenth of 2.2 million. NPR is trying to rewrite history. And the idea that the death toll could double by year’s end is ridiculous – that would mean as many deaths in the next two months as in the last six months. That’s called “fear-mongering.”

“The lives lost were not affected at random. Because pre-existing conditions factor so heavily into virus outcomes, data continues to show that COVID-19 disproportionately affects poor communities of color.”

Notice, the article admits that pre-existing conditions are a factor, yet they don’t consider the possibility that Covid itself might be an insignificant factor relative to the pre-existing conditions. (Remember, the CDC has already clued us in that only 6% of deaths are Covid-only deaths.) Furthermore, they completely ignore the fact that age is more significant than any other factor in the death count.

So, have 200,000 people died from Covid? CBS, ABC and NPR say so. A Nazi propagandist provides a clue:

“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” – Joseph Goebbels

And that is why we need to proclaim the truth loudly and widely.

To say that 12,000 have died from Covid would be getting closer to the truth since the CDC has told us that only 6% of the deaths are Covid-only (with no co-morbidities). That number is less than the usual number of deaths expected from the flu.

Even saying that 12,000 died is questionable. Why? The science isn’t done. The PCR test is the only way that coronavirus is detected. And it does not test for virus, only for RNA sequences that are assumed – with no good reason to support it – to be a marker for coronavirus.

The truth is we are not sure how many have died of coronavirus because we don’t have proper diagnostics to determine it. Here is a report from a nurse who says, “If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus.”


200,000 Americans have died from coronavirus: A look at that grim milestone in context

‘Enormous And Tragic’: U.S. Has Lost More Than 200,000 People To COVID-19

U.S. surpasses 200,000 coronavirus deaths, eight months after first reported case

Statistics Quotes

Statistics, Brainy Quotes

The CDC’s 6% Number

An Anonymous Nurse Speaks Out/ via Gareth Williams

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